Utkast: Jan. 17, 2012

åhh vad jag älskar det här avsnittet på south park, så jävla kul!
r.kelly vettu hahahahaha!
R. Kelly: [singing] Man, this is some crazy shit here. Why won't you both just come out the closet, they said?
Tom Cruise, John Travolta: [singing] We're not coming out the closet. You can just go away.
R. Kelly: [singing] But everyone wants you out the closet.
Tom Cruise, John Travolta: [singing] That doesn't matter 'cause we're gonna stay.
R. Kelly: [singing] Now I'm startin' to get angry, so I pull out my gun!
[as soon as R. Kelly pulls out his gun, everyone standing outside Stan's room runs away]
R. Kelly: [singing] I'm gonna give you a count to three to open this closet door, one - I'm gonna shoot you both, two - I'm gonna cap some bitch, three...
[closet door opens. With gun facing forward, R. Kelly slowly approaches the door and enters the closet. The closet door shuts]
R. Kelly: [singing] Now I'm in the closet. Now I'm in the closet too!


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